You CAN Save the Tiger! |
By Darshita Pathak
If you think you are just one person and there isn't much you can do to save the tiger, you are wrong. There are plenty of ways you can help. For a start, you could join Kids for Tigers or one of the many tiger conservation organisations working on the issue. Here are some more ideas.
Start your Own Rally
One of the best things you could do to save the tiger is to spread the message. You could do this by taking part in, or starting your own rally. All you have to do is get a few of your friends who love tigers to get a few of their friends who love tigers and gather together at a public place. With posters and pamphlets in support of the tiger, you'd be amazed at how much interest you will generate.
Start a Signature Campaign
If you know that there are tigers in a forest near your hometown, start a petition to declare the area a tiger reserve. Create awareness about the area and gather as many signatures as you can. Make sure your local government hears you loud and clear. Taking your signature scroll to a tiger conservation organisation will add to their efforts.
Start your Own 'NGO' or Nature Club
Get your tiger-loving friends together. Educate your families and neighbours, your teachers and school friends. Organise 'zero-cost' activities like nature walks and birdwatching trips with your friends and family. 'Notice Nature' and your understanding and respect for the natural world will deepen. If you really understand the issues, access images from a tiger conservation group and organise an audio-visual in your school.
Write Letters to the Prime Minister and to Newspapers
Make a written appeal to the Prime Minister or the Chief Minister of your state asking them to make tigers a priority. Tell them that you want your country's natural wealth protected. It is, after all, their job. If you see an environmental offence taking place near where you live, report it to your local newspaper.
Raise Money for Tiger Conservation
Think up creative ways to raise money for tiger conservation. You could sell Diwali cards. If you are a great chef, bake cakes and cookies or make lemonade for sale during a fair or a sports day. Organise a "Tiger Run" and get people to sponsor every participant that finishes a race. Once you have collected a sum, send it to your favourite tiger conservation organisation.
Be a Good Earthling
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Refuse. Turn off the tap while you brush, turn out the light when you leave a room, use less paper. Don't use plastic bags unnecessarily. Use glass over styrofoam and don't buy stuff you don't really need. These seem like small things but they aren't. When you save the earth's resources, you are saving tigers.
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